To facilitate your registration, you will be asked to attached the following documents, which you should prepare in advance:
1. 2024 Certificate of Membership in Good Standing (see FAQ note: “Do I need a Certificate of Membership in Good Standing (COMIGS) to attend the National Convention?”)
2. 2×2 colored photograph with light green background
3. Scanned copy of the proof of payment of registration fee
To request for an official invitation, a member must first register for the event. After registering (no payment of fees yet at this point), kindly click the link “Request Invitation” at the header menu. Then fill out the required information in the form given.
A regular member does not need a COMIGS to attend the National Convention plenaries.
However, a regular member must secure a COMIGS, through his or her chapter, to attend and participate in the National General Assembly (Day 3, November 29).
This is supported by the following provisions of the PIEP Bylaws:
Article I, Section 7. Voting Proxy – Members of good standing shall be entitled to one vote, and they may vote either in person or by proxy, which shall be in writing and filed with the Secretary of the Institute before the scheduled meeting. A member in good standing shall be defined as one who is has no outstanding obligations as far as annual membership dues and has attended at least one of the major activities of the institute in the preceding year.
Article VIII, Section 6. Duties and Responsibilities of Regular and Associate Members – A member shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
a. To obey and comply with the by-laws, rules and regulations that may be promulgated by the institute from time to time;
b. To attend all meetings that may be called by the Board of Directors;
c. To pay membership dues and other assessments of the institute;
d. To keep the institute updated on his or her address and the best means for communication.
The National Secretariat will issue an official receipt (OR) during the National Convention. You may approach the staff in their table near the registration area.
However, due to the anticipated volume of requests for OR issuance, kindly give the National Secretariat at least two (2) weeks after the National Convention to process your requests.
While we understand that unforeseen circumstances may prevent a delegate from attending the National Convention, a refund of the registration fees will have severe financial effects because the budget to defray the costs of the National Convention have been formulated based on the projected amount accruing from registration fees.
Thus, any request for a refund shall only be considered if based on reasonable grounds, and shall only be entertained until November 10. Beyond that date, any refund request shall no longer be considered, even if the delegate does not attend the National Convention.
Approved requests for refund shall be processed after the National Convention.